Another figure painted in the last week or so. This is a goblinoid creature, 1:72 scale from Caesar Miniatures as part of their "Adventurers" box. I have some of the characters from the box painted up, but the bases aren't complete yet. Hopefully I should get around to doing them soon:
Like many, my aim is to complete painting all of the figures I have in my collection! To that I've managed to get started with a couple of random figures I had lying around.
Well, I suppose this is as good a place as any to start. I got into wargaming when I was about 13, starting off with Warhammer. This didn't last very long though, as I have to thank my history teacher for getting me into Historical Gaming. He gave me a 20 year old wargaming book from the 70s, and along with my fascination for history, I was hooked!!! Since then, I never looked back.
I started painting seriously when I started college at 16. Having all that spare time on my hands, what else was I supposed to do!? :D Since then, over the last 10 years, it has been constant love of mine. We have flirted with each other back and forth, but now I have decided to focus attention on this hobby that I have great affection for.