The scenario die roll provided us with a meeting engagement. A single objective was placed in the centre of the board, with a road running almost centre for the entire length. As there was only one objective (worth 10 points) to aim for, the number of worn and spent brigades would be crucial at the end of the game to decide who won!!! Expect furious firefights and combat to ensue! :-)
I won the rolls deciding where I would enter the board, and that I would start first! During the first couple of turns, my first division came on in march column along the road, after rolling well on the combat maneuver table, and proceeded to march at full speed towards the objectve, whilst my artillery headed out towards one of the hills overlooking the town!

A firefight then ensued between the 2 lead brigades, causing some heavy casualties (2 stands out of 9, to be exact, which served them right for climbing on top of the roof! lol) to the lead Confederate brigade (very unlucky!!!)

Turn 4 saw each of our 2nd divisions enter the battle (as per the scenario) They had to enter the board at the same place as the original divisions. As my first division was doing well on the left side of the battlefield, for the next couple of turns. I decided to march the reinforcements to the right, past the hill and wheatfield.

Mike also had the same idea. It was a gorgeous, open field, and whoever could get there first, and deployed, would have a very good advantage!

A firefight was raging around the other side of the farmhouse, causing disorder and running out of ammo, so I decided to charge in:

This wasn't such a good idea, as I had to retreat out of musketry range, and the lose of another stand meant that the Brigade was worn (my only one to be so, I might add! lol :-) ) Fortunately, my 2nd division was now deployed, and was ready to head into the fray, and just at the right time, I may add!!!

The situation was now very interesting. We both had a fresh, large brigade each on my left hand side (as well as a number of artillery for the Confederates on the hill at the bottom right of the picture), and on the right 2 fresh brigades each facing off (along with 2 of my artillery on a hill just off picture, and with an unhindered field of fire into those massed Confederate ranks)
I decided to go all out in assault against the Confederate line:

I had to get revenge. My assault on the left went in, with commander attached to the assault, the defensive fire was poor, the offensive fire was even worse! lol The outcome of the charge, however, was astounding. The confederates suffered heavily, and that resulted in another Brigade out of action.

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